Directly related projects

R&D project "Social Intervention Methods Based on Visual Arts: cultural creation, education, inclusion and heritage"

 (PID2019-109990RB-I00), funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (2020-2024). 

This project and those that have preceded it underpin the approach to art education that has been used in Transforming Arts Education in English. Participant researchers from the project: Paloma Palau, Maria Avariento and Anna Marzà. 

Exploring multiliteracies in teacher training

This website details the projects carried out at Jaume I University in Castelló contributing to the training of teachers related to multiliteracies. Specifically, through the ARDID Teaching Innovation Group (UJI) we have developed several educational innovation actions for teacher training at Jaume I, in which Artistic Education and English are integrated with the CLIL approach. All the university researchers in the project participate in ARDID.

Projects that inspire us

Re-Habitar El Barrio: Processes of Transformation and Empowerment between University-School-Society through Artistic Practices

University of the Balearic Islands

This project has inspired us by the collaborative work between the university and the educational community and its emphasis on the power of art for social transformation.


is a traveling Art Education research project in Asturias. We are interested in the fact that it offers art education experiences for all ages and understands art not only as content, but as a method of teaching and learning.

is a project with European funding in which colleagues from the UJI participate. Template promotes the professional competence of pre-service and in-service teachers. It is linked to our project through the emphasis on transfer to society and through the focus on a multilingual approach to education.

Is a project with European funding in which colleagues from the UJI participate. Template promotes the professional competence of pre-service and in-service teachers. It is linked to our project through the emphasis on transfer to society and through the focus on a multilingual approach to education.


Is another European project focused on CLIL teacher training. Within this project, we highlight the creation of resources that can be used by teachers who want to implement CLIL in primary school, which is precisely one of the main results of our project and the reason to create this website.

The Planea network

Is made up of educational centers, agents and cultural institutions that are committed to using artistic practices in public schools in a transversal way, located in the territory and with a vocation of generalization and permanence. Being rooted in the territory and the creation of an interdisciplinary and transversal network are also at the heart of our project.

Resources for being around the house

CEFIRE Artisticoexpressiu. During the Covid pandemic, this Teacher Training Centre prepared proposals that could be used as a distance teaching resource during lockdown. Our project uses a similar approach: a contemporary work of art serves as an inspiration to provoke experimentation and artistic creation in students.