
The project Transforming Arts Education in English in the Valencian context aims to explore, establish and experiment with the connections between visual and plastic education and the teaching of English in multilingual contexts.

Transforming Arts Education in English is grounded on the Valencian artistic heritage and has a strong perspective of social transformation. It was designed as a participatory project where children, teachers and researchers have collaborated for three years to explore a new way of approaching plastic and visual education in English. The practices presented on this webpage are based on research and ensure quality learning both in terms of artistic and linguistic education. The proposals are realistic, since they have been implemented in real classrooms: four primary schools, more than 750 students. The analysis and reflection of this implementation has yielded results that aim at contributing to the improvement in the lifelong training of teachers and the learning of students.

Research in Arts-based Teaching-learning Methods, Content and Language Integrated Learning and Multilingual Education is the basis for the four didactic proposals that are presented on this website and that constitute four learning situations or four steps from a longer-term situation, leading to the preparation of a collective exhibition of contemporary art at school. In the Didactic Proposals section, a guide to each proposal is included, linked to the most recent Valencian curriculum (Decree 108/2022, of August 5). Throughout the entire process, an extensive photographic record has been taken. Images from this process illustrate the different sections, thus contributing to the integration between visual and verbal language that underpins the project. Didactic proposals s’inclou una guia de cada proposta, enllaçada amb el currículum més recent (Decret 108/2022, de 5 d’agost). Al llarg de tot el procés s’ha dut a terme un extens registre amb imatges, que es presenten als diferents apartats, contribuint així a la integració entre imatge i paraula que fonamenta el projecte.

Didactic proposals

The team

The project team consists of 9 people, each with their own background and perspective, all complementary and enriching: four primary school teachers who do Visual and Plastic Education in English, two researchers in Language Teaching and three researchers in Artistic Education.